
your personal wiki

Based on open standards

Your wiki content is just Markdown files in a Git repo.

Runs locally

After installing, no internet connection is required.

Compatible with GitHub

By following conventions like using as the index document of a directory, you wiki will also be browsable on GitHub and other code hosting services.

Installs and runs quickly

The native executable will run quickly and efficiently even on low-powered computers.

Dark Mode

Does not burn your eyeballs.

Fast search

Quickly find what your looking for. Even wikis with tens of thousands of files can be searched quickly.


Download now!

You can download the latest release on GitHub. Or use copy and paste one of the commands from below to automatically download and install the right executable for your computer.

Install command for Unix-like operating systems

This will automatically place the executable in your ~/bin or ~/.local/bin directory:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Install command for Windows (PowerShell)

Use this if you are using PowerShell in your command prompt. You can tell if you are using PowerShell if your prompt starts with PS:
This will automatically place the executable in a folder in your %USERPROFILE% folder and add that folder to your %PATH%:
iex "& { $(irm ) }"

Install command for Windows (CMD.EXE)

Use this if you are using cmd.exe in your command prompt. You can tell if you are using cmd.exe if your prompt starts with just the drive letter:
This will automatically place the executable in a folder in your %USERPROFILE% folder and add that folder to your %PATH%:
powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile -Command "iex \" ^& { $(irm ) } \" "

Learn More

See the README for more information information on how to use Smeagol.
Fork me on GitHub